Too little milk
It is possible that the breasts make too little milk.
At first, this can become apparent when your baby wants to feed more often and longer, your child wakes up sooner, or is very dissatisfied. Conversely, it’s possible your baby will sleep more to preserve energy. If that’s the case, we’ll only find out when we weight the baby. As long as you’re not breastfeeding smoothly yet, it’s advisable to weigh regularly. In the postpartum week, maternity nurses always bring a scale. Later this will be taken over by the consultation office.
Your child will always lose some weight in the postpartum period, so do not be discouraged. Later, when the postpartum period is over and you get back to normal life, breastfeeding can also become less without you really noticing. This can become apparent due to a restless baby or the opposite. Again, it is important to stimulate the breast to increase the production of milk.
Our midwives emphasize that you should take into account that a difficult delivery, the amount of rest you get, use of nipple shields, pain or stress and contraception may affect the making of milk.
What can you do?
• Often it is enough to attach your baby every two and a half hours. Please note that at most, a feed should take up to 40 minutes (including change). Make sure that both breasts get a turn;
• If necessary, use the breast pump for 15 minutes per breast, each breast, in turn, 3-5-7 minutes;
• Rest and eat / drink well;
• Make appointments with the consultation office to regularly check the weight of your child and to adjust your feeding regime.