Casemanager (CoZo)

Care path Vita Nova
Care path

Pregnancy healthcare plan
Prenatal plan
Birth plan
Postpartum plan



Prenatal plan

The prenatal plan is the first part of your pregnancy healthcare plan.

A pregnancy healthcare plan is a communication tool, a wish list and a reflection of your personal expectations about your pregnancy. Writing this document triggers and invites you and your partner to consider what’s important to you regarding your pregnancy. It’s good to realise that at any moment in time you can deviate from this plan, because changing insights or circumstances can make you change your mind.

In this document in particular you will write down your personal wishes, needs and goals considering your pregnancy. By writing it down and to make your points of interest a subject to talk about, it can help to put yourself in centre of the pregnancy care. A complete pregnancy healthcare plan (exists of 3 parts: your prenatal plan, birth plan and postpartum plan) can help you to feel and be more involved in the things that can happen during your pregnancy and the decisions that you might have to make. It could help you to feel confident and build trust in your own strength and in what you are able to. Also in times that you might not be able to talk about what you need or want.

We don’t know if everything is possible but we will listen to your expectations and goals carefully, so feel free to share them with us.



Which form of communication suits you best?

Points of interest during this pregnancy