Conception consultation hour
The aim of Vita Nova’s conception consultation hour is to have you go into your pregnancy as healthy as possible. The time just before the pregnancy and the first few months of the pregnancy are of far more influence than was previously thought. The health and lifestyle of both parents can influence the pregnancy and the baby’s health. This is why more and more women (and their partners) make use of our conception consultation hour. This is a conversation with a midwife about conceiving and being pregnant. During the conception consultation hour we will discuss the following topics with you:
- Fertility, sexuality and parenthood
- History and lifestyle
- Folic acid advice after stopping contraception
- Possibilities of a prenatal exam
- Work and pregnancy
- The obstetric system in The Netherlands
So, during the conception consultation hour you will receive important information regarding conceiving and being pregnant. We will also answer your specific questions. For this purpose, we ask that you fill out this questionnaire prior to the conversation. After the conversation you will get some brochures so you can read everything again at your leisure. If necessary you can already start changing your lifestyle, or be examined beforehand. Vita Nova’s conception consultation hour will take about 60 minutes and costs € 62,30 in 2022. Health insurances cover these costs nowadays.